
Download Bee Network the

mobile app to start earning today!
You can download the mobile app below.

Create an account

After downloading the app, you open the app to register for a Bee Network account.

You can register with Facebook account or your phone number. However, you should choose the phone number to make it easier to authenticate your Bee Network account later.

Choose your location, enter your phone number and click o.send SMS.

Enter the First Name, Last Name and username.

***IMPORTANT!!! Register with your real name because later youll have to identify with ID and if names dont mach you will lose all that you have collected. Username must be 4-20 characters without spaces.


After filling in all the data, click Submit, to go to the last step. In this step, enter the call code kpavlov2000 (this is my code). In practice you can enter anyone’s code, but if you enter kpavlov2000 I will be grateful and I will be available for questions via PI network chat.

→ Note: for kpavlov2000 it is written in lower case.

So, you have registered for the Bee network and you can press the button with the bee to start mining. The bee will be collected on your account for the next 24 hours, after which you must press the button again to start a new session.